As a Māori organisation, we are trying to do our best to help grow the talent pool of the next generation of emerging Māori business leaders through the annual GHA tertiary scholarships. In December 2018, GHA were pleased to reward $15,000 in scholarships to six talented Māori scholars. Each candidate was awarded $2,500 towards their studies in 2019.

Kiriwaitingi Rei

Kiriwaitingi has whakapapa to Ngāti Whakaue, Tuhourangi, Ngapuhi, Ngāti Awa, Ngati Toa Rangatira and Taranaki. Kiriwaitingi is passionate about pursuing a career in Māori development or business and is enrolled in her second year in a Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Arts at Waikato University.
Rehara Maaka-Yates

Rehara was born and raised in Rotorua and is from Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Whakaue, Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngati Maniapoto. She is the mokopuna of our beloved late Aunty Bea. Rehara is enrolled in her third year of the Bachelor of Applied Management degree majoring in Accounting at Toi Ohomai. Rehara hopes to eventually gain employment within one of our local firms, so she is able to reside in her hometown and help her people grow.
Jessie Wharekura

Jessie is of Ngati Whakaue and Ngati Kahungunu descent. Jessie has always had high expectations to be a positive role model for her two younger sisters and wider extended whanau. Jessie has completed her NZ Diploma in Business and is now completing her Bachelor of Business Analysis at Waikato University. Jessie aspires to work in the Maori business sector (preferably an iwi-based organisation).
Kristy Manley-Griffin

Kristy is of Ngati Whakaue, Ngai Te Rangi and Ngati Porou descent and was born and raised in Te Puke. Kristy is enrolled in her second year of study in the NZ Diploma in Business at Toi Ohomai. Kristy will commence the accounting strand of her Diploma in 2019 before continuing her bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in accounting through the University of Waikato. Kristy’s main goal will be to continue studying towards becoming a qualified Chartered Accountant.
Reuben Barton

Reuben is of Ngati Maniapoto and Waikato Tainui descent and has recently completed Year 13 at Rotorua Boys’ High School, achieving top of his class in Accounting. In 2019, Reuben will begin his studies at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology to gain his Bachelor of Applied Management, majoring in Accounting.
Rikki-Maria Pakuria

Rikki-Maria was born and raised in Kawerau and is proud to be from Ngati Pikiao. This year, Rikki-Maria completed her NZ Diploma in Business and is looking to complete her Bachelor of Business Studies, majoring in Strategic Management next year at Waikato University.