“Poipoia te kākano kia puawai – nurture the seed and it will blossom”.
The annual scholarships were awarded to five exceptional recipients who will benefit from the financial support provided. Our Māori talent will be nurtured and encouraged to contribute to kaupapa Māori organisations and their iwi.
A total of nine applications were received and five students were granted scholarships for study in 2020. Four students were awarded the annual GHA scholarship and Xanthe Barton was also awarded the inaugural GHA Internship and Scholarship, awarded in partnership with Victoria University and Waitaha Charitable Trust.
The Partners presented scholarships to the value of $3,000 each to Kristal Boynton, Tia Hingston, Jazmin Henare and Denise Doctor.
Kristal Boynton

Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Tamakaimoana, Ngāti Hāmua, Te Patukirikiri
Tia Hingston

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Hine
Tia will complete her Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting and Finance at Auckland University in 2020 after completing her final year at Rotorua Lakes High School. Tia hopes to utilise her qualifications within Māori organisations to help Māori, her iwi, hāpu and whānau grow their business within the Māori business and finance sectors.
Jazmin Henare

Te Arawa, Ngāi Tai (Ki torere), Ngāti Rangiwewehi
Jazmin is currently in her second year of tertiary studies at Toi Ohomai, Rotorua completing a Bachelor in Applied Business Management. Invested in Māori she plans to merge her passion for Business and cultural studies to combat negative Māori statistics through her direct line of mahi. Since starting her journey in tertiary studies, Jazmin has been very diligent in the completion and standard of maintaining an A average. Jazmin is involved with kaupapa Māori community initiatives and aims to utilise her skills and credentials to uplift our people, her whānau, hāpu and iwi.
Denise Doctor

Te Arawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Pikiao
Denise has over 20 years’ experience in both the Hotel and Real Estate Industries and is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Applied Management in Accounting at Toi Ohomai in Rotorua.
Denise is a strong believer in encouraging Māori to aim high in their education and to apply yourself to achieve the best for yourself and your whānau. Denise will continue to focus on her my studies in accounting and te reo Māori knowing that it will be an investment to herself and her whānau.

Tia Hingston and Kristal Boynton (2020 GHA Scholarship Recipients).